Saturday, January 1, 2011

Day 1

Happy New Year everyone! Although 2010 was rough year, I can truly say that I thank God for allowing me to see another year. I pray that God grants you with an abundance of blessings during 2011 and fills your heart with much joy. Today is the first day of my Everyday with Jesus Bible journey and I will tell you already that Satan has been trying to stop this already. There have been a few obstacles in the way and I wasn’t even sure if I was going to be able to post this blog today but by the grace of God I am able to J

The verses for January 1st are Genesis chapters 1 & 2, Psalm 1:1-6, Proverbs 1:1-4 and Matthew 1:1-25. I had initially wanted to put the verses on here so that you all would be able to see them, but I feel that it is important that you all become used to finding the word yourselves and get into the habit of opening your Bibles and reading the scriptures for yourself.

Genesis chapters 1 & 2 are basically talking about how God created the Heavens and Earth in six days (He rested on the seventh day). Although I had read this story plenty of times before I couldn’t help but smile when I read it again. I loved how God seemed so pleased with His work, it reminded me of how proud we feel when we put such hard work into something and it comes out pleasantly well. For me, it just showed me that even the small things such as being happy with work that we have done, are traits of being God’s children and even though I knew this, it was more a comfort to me to receive more affirmation of that we are indeed children of God J

In chapter 2 verses 7 through 24, it discusses God’s creation of man and woman. Initially He just created man and surrounded him with the creatures but seeing that it wasn’t good for man to be alone God created woman. This part here spoke to me on a personal level because I am dealing with some issues of being lonely and knowing that God himself doesn’t want me to be alone was such a huge comfort. I can’t begin to tell how lonely I had been feeling lately and it was as though God was speaking to me personally when I read this and I knew that my lonely feelings would only be temporary.

Psalm 1:1-6 gave me the impression that we can get so wrapped up in being around those who partake in sinful activities such as gossip thinking that it is this behavior that will make us happy. But the verses state that man will be stronger and happier if they look for their happiness in the Lord. I feel that the ways of the world are ever-changing and while we tend to cling so hard to trying to figure out what the current trends are it can quickly change by the next day and if that is where we seek our joy, then it will be short-lived. Constantly chasing something that will come and go can make us weary and weak when we place ourselves in it whole-heartedly because once it is gone It may take a little piece of us with it. And if we place ourselves with so many Earthy things that are often scattered and brushed away, then so will we. Holding on to God will give us stability and much happiness because He will never change and will always be there for us. I enjoyed reading this especially going into a new year with unexpected things about to occur it is very good to know that there will be One that will always remain the same.

Now Proverbs 1:1-4 gave me the most difficulty and I had to read the verses over and over again. I don’t know if I was reading it wrong or what but I ended up asking my sister to help me understand what the verses were saying. The verses were saying that you need to read Proverbs to gain certain attributes that will aid in your Christian walk (my interpretation anyway). Just as the Bible is an instruction guide for Christians, I felt that these particular verses just gave a bit more special instructions…kind of like specific tools to further aid us as we become stronger in our walk with God. I could be totally off base with this one because as I said I wasn’t fully able to understand it so please feel free to give me your thoughts on the verses I would really appreciate it J

Ah! Good old Matthew 1:1-25. My sister and I joke about these verses a lot. Not because we don’t take what it says seriously but because of what it says. The majority of these verses (2-16) list the long lineage from Abraham all the way up to Jesus. You’re probably thinking what’s so funny about that but we find it a bit amusing and sometimes difficult because the names that are listed. Some are not easy to pronounce and it seems to just go on and on (perhaps this is just meant to be an inside joke). Anyway what I gained from reading verses 2-16 is that no matter what happens it all ends with Jesus. I may be reaching on this but this is what I felt: that no matter how hard the situation may be God will always be there in end to see us through it all. 14 generations and it ended with the birth of Jesus Christ. How amazing is that?! Verses 18-24 share the story of Joseph and Mary. When Joseph found out that Mary was pregnant he intended to secretly divorce her because if she were to be discovered pregnant outside of marriage then the penalty was death. I had to commend Joseph for want to protect Mary even though he wanted out of his commitment with her because I can just imagine how the human side of us would want to publically condemn someone that we find fault with just to save face. But once the angel spoke to Joseph and explained how she was blessed with the Holy Spirit he reconsidered and did what God wanted him to do.

We often hesitate and become fearful (or personally I have) when God wants us to do something but I am glad that Joseph stepped up and did as God asked otherwise he would have missed out on the best thing to ever happen in the world….literally! This made me think about how many blessings we could potentially be missing out on because God wants us to be placed out of our comfort zones to do what He asks because we think we know better when truthfully He has it all under control…just a thought.


O Father, from this day help me determine to You my primary focus. And give me the grace and strength to maintain it, through all the vicissitudes and uncertainties of the days ahead. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen

Further Study

John 1:1-5, Colossians 1:15-20, Hebrews 12:2, Revelation 1:8

What did the Lord declare to John the revelator?

What did the apostle John declare?

I hope you all enjoyed your first day of the new year. I pray for miracles and blessings for you all. Be blessed everyone J

(Both the prayer and further study have come from the Everyday with Jesus Bible: A One-Year Reading Bible by Holman Bible Publishers with Devotions by Selwyn Hughes)


  1. I feel bab because I'm just now reading this. Forgive me. Anywho, I loved what you said.

  2. Don't feel bad I'm super behind on writing like 5 or 6 of them I feel awful about it but I'll get caught up eventually just too much going on
