Monday, January 3, 2011

Day 3

Blessings and abundance to everyone on this day!

Today's verses are Genesis chapters 5 & 6, Psalm 2:7-12, Proverbs 1:7, Matthew 3:1-17

In Genesis chapter 5 we learn were the expression "as old as Methuselah" comes from. Methuselah was 969 years old when he died (verse 27). As I was reading chapter 5 of Genesis I found it amazing that people could live for so long back then. Now if someone makes it be 100 years old we count that a major blessing.

My sister and I would often talk about why no one lives to be 500 and 600, etc anymore and we've often had the theory that's because there is so much sin in the world. Up until today I just thought it was a good guess on our part because we were pretty sure that was what the reason was. Between all the killings, gluttonous bad habits and unhealthy choices it just seemed like the logical explanation, but then Genesis 6:3 says "My Spirit will not remain with mankind forever, because they are corrupt. Their days will be 120 years." I honestly didn't know that the 120 years came from this verse, I had heard it before but it was never clearly explained to me why and now I know :)

One verse that just made me really sad was Genesis 6:6 "the Lord regretted that He had made man on the earth, and He was grieved in His heart." Talk about some serious serious disappointment. It reminded me of how you do something wrong and instead of punishment your parents tell you how disappointed they are in you...that was one of the worst feelings ever and when I read that God regretted even creating us, I had to stop for a second and try to imagine the hurt that He felt with all the nonsense that was going on especially since that was not the reason He created us. Even the worst thing I could think of probably didn't come close to the pain He was feeling and it just made me so ashamed of the things that I've done wrong. Thank goodness God is loving and forgiving and doesn't constantly pound guilty and criticism over our heads after we ask to be forgiveness and He just forgives us right there on the spot. Otherwise we would be in a whole mess of trouble, but thank God for 2nd chances.

And speaking of 2nd chances.....

Chapter 6 of Genesis tells how God just got so fed up with the corruptness that was on the earth that He decided destroy everything and instructed Noah to build an ark and he was to place his family and 2 of every animal on the ark. When I was little and read that God wanted to destroy everything on earth I thought it was very harsh to just wipe out everyone like that. Yet, as I study this now, I see what God did as a second chance in some ways. It's kind of like in life when you try to hold on to some things that just don't need to be in your life but you still try to make it work. I think that's what God did, He tried to make to hold on to the fact that these were His creations and He made them out of love and he really wanted it all to work out. But just like in life when you can't find any good left in some things you just have to wipe the slate clean, cut your ties and move on and that's just want God had to do.

I feel it was a second chance because he allow Noah to be a part of a world much better than the original one....but we haven't gotten to that part of the story yet but think of it as a promise of hope. In life when we go through bad things we feel like it's the end of the world and in Noah's case it was literally but God granted him and his family access to a better one. So when you feel like your world is caving in and being destroyed it's probably just God's way of building something even better for you. So don't feel like your life is being about we just think of it as remodeling :)

I'll stop here for a few minutes just to say how blessed I was from reading these two chapters and the message I received while reading them. I've heard the story of Noah's Ark plenty of times and never got this message out of it before and there's no way I would have come up with something like this on my own. I can take no credit for this revelation because this clearly came straight from God and He was using me to bring it across to someone out there (including myself). This is really cool because I've never actually felt personally used by God before, so right now I'm super excited! :) :) :)

Psalm 2:7-12 to me says that God is our Father and we are His children and because of this if you ask Him, He will make what you need yours and if you choose not to serve Him, He will be angry and "you will perish for you rebellion" (Psalm 2: 12b) and that "all those who take refuge in Him are happy" (Psalm 2:12d). So the wrath of God or serve Him and be happy.....I think I know what my choice is going to be :) I mean why not? As I've said before because we are all God's children there is nothing He won't do for us if we simply serve Him....sounds like a fair trade to me :)

Proverbs 1:7 is along the same lines saying "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge; fools despise wisdom and instruction." To me that says ignorance is not bliss and personally I would rather be able to learn something from the One that is fully of knowledge than to be a fool...this also reminds me of the saying "don't be a fool, stay in school" and I guess that kind of works here to considering we go to school to gain knowledge....but anywho lol....

Matthew 3:1-17 shares how John the Baptist prophesied about Jesus coming. John basically told everyone they needed to get their act together because He was coming soon and if you didn't get it together then you'll be taken out.

One thing I have learned so far is that plain and simple God just doesn't take any mess. I mean I knew that but never really found it relatable until now. I was watching Joel Osteen last night and his message was "Knowing God as a Father" as in a parent and like a light bulb it just finally all clicked for me between last night and now how literal it means to be a child of God. God does all the things for us that our earthly parents do: teach us right from wrong, are there when we need to talk and even when we mess up we can go running into His arms and ask Him to make things all better. We often see Him as this being that has all power in His hands and I'll be the first one the admit that can be a bit intimidating to think about sometimes but God is also loving, humble and comforting and any wrath He has is not aimed at us but at our sins.

In Matthew 3:13-15 Jesus comes to John the Baptist to be baptized in the Jordan River and John's like um you're asking me when I should be the one asking you to baptize me. But how cool is Jesus to say that "allow it for now, because this is the way for us to fulfill all righteousness" (Matthew 3:15). I would have been so nervous if Jesus wanted me to baptize Him. Probably shaking and I might have even dropped Him but that's why John was there to do it and "better him than me." :) Jesus is humble enough to get on our level (i.e.-become human) to help us understand what He needs for us to do.

God is not this ominous being that we should be fearful of to the extent that we run away from Him but we should be fearful enough that we run to Him, if that makes any sense at all :) What I mean to say is all He wants is to love us if we just let Him.

Blessed Trinity, Three in One and One in Three, my spirit joins with Your Spirit this day to worship You in spirit and in truth. Though sometimes darkness to my intellect, Your truth is nevertheless sunshine to my heart. Amen.

Further Study
Matthew 28:16-20, John 14:26-27 and 15:26-27
How were the disciples to baptize new converts?
How did Jesus confirm the truth of the Trinity?

I have added the prayer and further study verses and questions to this blog and the other ones as well so feel free to go back and look at those when you have the time.

I hope you all have a very good day. Be blessed everyone :)

(Both the prayer and further study have come from the Everyday with Jesus Bible: A One-Year Reading Bible by Holman Bible Publishers with Devotions by Selwyn Hughes)

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