Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Day 5

Greetings lovers of Christ and others who have just stumbled upon this blog. Well it's only day 5 and I'm already having one of those days where I just don't feel like blogging. Yep, I knew I would have days like this but not so soon. I'm just really tired and sleepy for some reason and I struggled to get through my verses today so please pray that I get some of my energy back :)

Today's verses are Genesis 9:8-10:32; Psalm 4:1-8; Proverbs 1:10-14 and Matthew 4:21-5:12

In the Genesis verses it tells how whenever there is a rainbow in the sky it is a reminder of God's covenant with us that He would not destroy the world again with water. I always love seeing a rainbow after its rains too because it gives me hope. I think it's amazing that this promise is still in full effect even now. It just goes to show that God will never break His promises to us.

Also in the Genesis it spoke of how Noah was the first to plant a vineyard and from the wine it produced, Noah indulged himself a little too much and took his clothes off. Noah's son, Ham, went into Noah's tent, discovered he was naked and told his brothers. His brothers (Shem and Japheth) went and cover Noah but made sure they did not look at him while they did this. When Noah awoke the next day and learned what Ham had done and place a curse on Canaan (Ham's son).

When I read this I'll be honest, I had no clue why Noah cursed Canaan when he was the one who was drunk. I had to research some help on this one and found out that Ham was sort of gossiping about his father's state, perhaps he found humor in it and since he told his brothers that Noah was naked, then he probably told everyone else too. Shem and Japheth clearly found no joy in their father's condition and made sure they did not look upon when they covered him. Ham could have easily covered his father and no one else needed to know about what happened.

This just reminded me of how out of control gossip can get and when someone feels that they need to spread your business the backlash of it all can be devastating to all who are involved. In this instance Noah punished his son, Ham by punishing his child Canaan. It's a sad thing that had to happen but this is what happens when gossip gets around everyone can be hurt.

Psalm 4:1-8 is basically saying that God hears us when we call on Him and not to worry about those find joy in things that are worthless because God will always be there to protect us.

Proverbs 1:10-14 is generally saying yield not to temptation no matter how fun it may seem, don't be persuade to participate in sinful acts.

Matthew 4:21-5:12 are about the Beatitudes (Matthew 5:3-12) which tell of those who are blessed and what blessings they will receive and not to worry about the trivial things that occur and seem hard because for those who are blessed their rewards will be great.
Blessed Lord Jesus, You who knew the hurt of being falsely accused, draw near in the power of Your Spirit and heal me now. I take---and You undertake. Thank You, Savior. Amen

Further Study
James 3; 1 Peter 3:16, 2:1; Luke 6:7
What is the hardest thing to tame?
For what should we use our tongues?

I know I didn't have too much to say today but I pray that God continues to bless each and everyone of you and your families. Be blessed :)

(Both the prayer and further study have come from the Everyday with Jesus Bible: A One-Year Reading Bible by Holman Bible Publishers with Devotions by Selwyn Hughes)

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