Monday, January 3, 2011

Sunday Best

Greetings and salutations everyone! Hope your day/afternoon/evening/night is going well.

Today I want to talk about an issue that I personally have wondered about ever since I was little and growing up in the church and that is dressing in your Sunday best. Sorry to disappoint those who may have thought I was talking about the show on BET but honestly I never really watched that show so I couldn't tell you want was happening on it other than it is the Christian version of American Idol lol.

Now when I was little dressing up was one thing I just couldn't stand! I was a tomboy growing up and was all about being comfortable. Give me jeans and a t-shirt any day and I would be set to go. Yet, when it came to going to church on Sunday dressing up was a must and no amount of my being a tomboy would change that. Oh but I hated it! My dress would be poofy, my stockings would itch my legs and my dress shoes would make my feet hurt.

I never understood why I needed to be dressed to the nines every time we went to church. Being smaller and not fully understanding what was happening during church anyway, I thought it was boring and I just wanted to stretch out in the pews and take a nap. Now how was I supposed to be able to do that and get comfortable in an itchy outfit whose material could be doubled as a tablecloth? (there were a lot of floral print dresses in my closet) Even if I did understand what was going on I was too focused on being uncomfortable that I would have missed the good word anyway.

I just didn't get it and every now and then I would see some children in more casual clothes and would ask why I couldn't wear what they were wearing. But no matter how much I complained or whined it was the same thing every Sunday....I had to wear my Sunday best.

As I got older I began to hear the phrase "come just as you are." Finally the answers to my prayers! These were perfect words I had been waiting to hear for so long that would allow me to don jeans and a t-shirt to was I wrong so so wrong. My parents were not having any part in that, saying that doesn't mean you can just come any kind of way to church, you still must be presentable....Boy did they burst my bubble quick :(

So Sunday after Sunday I was still made to wear the appropriate clothing to church which was definitely not my idea of a good time. However, I still continued to hear the phrase "come just as you are." In my little mind I was thinking "someone isn't telling me the truth. The pastor says come as you are but my parents are telling that I can't just wear any old thing to who is right?" Internally, I fought with this question over and over and still couldn't come up with the proper solution, so I just accepted the fact that in my house I was always going to be expected to wear my Sunday best.

Eventually, I learned that the phrase is meant to be understood (or at least from my understanding) that God wants us to give ourselves over to Him no matter what our circumstances are. We can be broken down, hurt, feeling like no one cares about us, be broke, be rich, have the best or have nothing at all and God still wants us flaws and all. Now this is fantastic right? Someone who is willing to take on all our baggage and troubles no matter how big or small our troubles are....He will take us just as we are. What a wonderful thing to know.....

But here is where the controversy comes in.....or a bit of debate if you will :)

Although I hear what the phrase is saying (and I agree with it), why can't it also be applied to our attire when we go to church? For some people they take it both ways, come as you are inside and outside. What you have on shouldn't matter. For others it's strictly an internal can be broken up and messed up on the inside and yes, God will take you as is, but don't you dare stroll up in church looking as busted as you feel on the inside and if you do they be prepared for "church folk" (church folk and Christians are not always the same thing but that's a blog for another time :P) to stare at you and maybe even criticize your attire amongst other "church folk."

Now to me that just doesn't seem right. Maybe I'm a little bias because I wasn't one for being so dressed up when I was little. Even though I guess I understand it now, dressing up is not so bad (especially since I get to choose what I can wear now), but I don't feel that we as Christians should berate anyone for coming to church if we feel they aren't dressed appropriately. What we perceive as "unworthy" could very well be their Sunday best and while we get so caught up in what they have on or don't have on, we could be missing our blessing while they are steady receiving theirs.

I've been to some churches and you would think you've stepped into America's Next Top Model: Church Edition. It's like a fashion show and some of the outfits and elaborate hats are just ridiculous. Don't get me wrong sometimes putting on nice clothes can change your whole attitude and what better way to share such a happy attitude than by being in the house of the Lord. However, sometimes the people in the fancy outfits and hats could be the ones that need God the most and no matter how handsome or pretty you look in your best suit or dress, it still can't change how you feel on the inside.

I truly think my biggest problem when it comes to putting on your Sunday best is when people use it to make themselves seem like they're better than someone else. Aren't we all children of God? Aren't we all afforded the same privileges when it comes to being a child of God despite our situations and who we are, so why should what we wear matter?

I've often gone back and forth with many people about this subject and I see both sides of the viewpoint. I'm not saying any particular side is right or wrong because both sides have made valid points when we have discussed the issue. All I'm saying is behind all the clothes is you...just you and that's what God cares about. I just want people to realize and take the focus off of what people wear and keep the focus on their relationship with God.

If dressing to impress is how you feel most comfortable when going to church that's is great, but don't hold your head up high because you have on the best, hold it up because you are God's child and He loves you. If you feel like you come to church and your clothes are less than the best please, don't hold your head down, hold it high because you too are a child of God and He loves you.

Christians, the important thing is to welcome everyone as they enter the church. Giving someone a sincere smile, kind words or even a hug can make all the difference because looks can be deceiving and you never know what anyone is going through despite how they look and what they wear.

I guarantee you that if you have God in your heart on Sunday morning no matter what you have on you will be dressed in your Sunday best :)

Have a fantastic day/afternoon/evening/night everyone and be blessed :)

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