Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The Prop

Some people keep it on their living room table, others by their bedside. Some people may not even know where theirs is. However, something miraculous happens at least twice a week and it seems to make an appearance in the arms of its owners to make that oh so familiar journey to church on Sunday mornings or on Wednesday evenings for Bible study.

But for some all it seems to be is a prop. A symbol that represents the proper tool that every good Christian should have, the ultimate weapon as a soldier in the army of God. Yet no matter how powerful the weapon may be, it may not be of such good use if you are not able to use it properly. What good is it to have a sword if you aren't able to wield it correctly? In my opinion the Bible is the same way. How are you going to be able to have on the full armor of Christ if you're putting it on backwards?

Around this time last year my sister and I were in Lifeway Christian Bookstore. As we went to checkout the clerk asked if we wanted to add a Bible with our purchase. The Bible was originally $15 but was on sale for $5. I don't know about my sister but in my mindset was "of course I would love one! it's always good to have more than one Bible and good Christians need Bibles." So I purchased one. My sister did too.

I was initially excited about the purchase because it was something new I had and it was a Bible! We're all supposed to love the Bible! But truth be told I never even used it once. Not once!

I'm saying all this because I personally have been victim of using the Bible as a prop. During the week it sits in one dormant place only to be 'dusted off' once Sunday rolls around. Opening it long enough to follow along with the minister as he reads the scripture and once service is over my Bible gets put back in some spot until next Sunday. I sometimes find myself wondering how many other church goers use the Bible a prop. Breaking it out on Sunday mornings merely utilizing it as symbol to say 'hey! I'm a good Christian, I have my Bible' but during the week it collects dust until it's time to showcase it once more.

As I've said I am extremely guilty of this practice and I am going to attempt to change that in the upcoming year. My hope and prayer is that I can finally stop using the Bible as a prop. I feel guilty for treating the Bible like this, it's like I'm putting Jesus on a shelf to bring Him down (for lack of a better phrase) whenever 'the spirit moves me' to. The Bible that my sister and I purchased is called the "Everyday with Jesus Bible: A One-Year Reading Bible" Each day you read a few chapters and throughout the year you complete the Bible. From Genesis to Revelation.

I hope to utilize this blog as a way to keep track of my progress with my readings. Each day I would like to put the verses that are read and my reflections on what I have read. I want this to be my aid in getting a closer relationship with God and also to become a better person.

Be blessed everyone :)


  1. Hey Twix,I agree with you I used to be like that for a while, everytime I pick up the bible some laziness just washes over me...but I have started forcing myself to read it as much as possible esp. before I go to bed. I try to keep checking this blog to see if you keep up :)

    I know this is not the place to say this....but I really want to comment on some of your posts on your other blog. But I think something is wrong with the comment wont let me post a comment.

  2. Thanks Blu I don't know why it won't let you comment on the other blog I looked at the settings and they are the same as this one :( Hopefully I can figure it out I would love to see your comments

  3. I think I fixed the comments on the other blog so you should be able to comment now if you'd like. Thanks for letting me know about that issue I had no idea it wasn't working :)

  4. You are welcome Twix. (Blu)
